Monday, March 06, 2006


What the? Are they serious? Crash best motion picture of the year? What a huge hand job for Hollywood. That's like saying that Fear Factor is the best television show. Granted, it was a well done movie, but in no way was it better than some of the other nominated and I'm not talking just about Brokeback Mountain.

Anyway, it just goes the show that not always does the most deserving get praise.

So, a lot of things have been going on in my life the last couple days. I've been thinking a lot about the past. Why you ask? Well, I think we learn from our past experiences. Unfortunately, I think there are some people in this world that can't move past their past. Did that make sense? Okay, so what happens if you've been hurt by someone in the past? Would you rule them out of your life completely? I know it probably depends on what really happened. But, in most cases, I wouldn't. People are far too vaulable for me to just put aside. Nor do I ever want to replace people in my life because I have the inability to think or act for myself.

Oh, I'm being far too cryptic. Just know this. People are in your lives for a reason. Each has a purpose. They may enter and leave your life leaving a mark on your life as they come and go. It's a good thing.

Oh, and drunk people are funnier when you're not drunk.



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