An island...full of fags...

So i was having cocktails with a friend of mine, when he brings up Tony Dungee. You know, the Colts coach. Anyway, a friend of his said that he knew he supported the anti-gay marriage amendment and he shouldn't because it was a form of racism. So he asked me what i thought about it.
Of course, my response was they're different. Homosexuality vs. race is very different. But at the same it really?
Then, my friend suggested that if the gays created a "nation" we could say it was racism. Here's sort of how my response went:
"What? Um, what?! Are you kidding? You want to move all the gays to an island? That's insane! We'd kill each other. Actually, if it did happen we'd have to have the lesbians move first. To build everything. Then the fags could come a couple weeks later because we'd have to decorate everything. Well and add cool stuff like movie theaters and bars. Because all we'd have would be a dog park and a Lowes."
Long live the gays!
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