It's starting to catch on...
It all started about five years ago at an Oscar party hosted by my friend Madonna. The first one was Robert Redford. The celebrity name game. I game that I invented with my friend Jenny. And now, it seems I have others playing the game and some are obsessed with it. Wanna know how to play? It's easy.
First take a celebrity's name. Let's start with Reese Witherspoon. Now, make it into a phrase or sentence. Let's try it out, shall we?
I'd like you to REESE WITHERSPOON me.
Get it? Easy huh?
Now, I'd like to be MARIAH CAREY(d) over there.
You can add stuff to the name just as long as you can hear the celebrity's name in there. Now go wash your BRAD stinky PITTs.
First take a celebrity's name. Let's start with Reese Witherspoon. Now, make it into a phrase or sentence. Let's try it out, shall we?
I'd like you to REESE WITHERSPOON me.
Get it? Easy huh?
Now, I'd like to be MARIAH CAREY(d) over there.
You can add stuff to the name just as long as you can hear the celebrity's name in there. Now go wash your BRAD stinky PITTs.