Saturday, October 28, 2006


I'm too old to play games. Just when I thought things were great, slap. Not even a regular slap, a bitch slap. You get one more week.


Monday, October 23, 2006

Good things...

So Martha of me. :)

I had an eventful weekend. I had an IndyProv Show on Friday that we basically sold out both shows. Trailer Park the Musical ended on Saturday and the cast party was a hoot and a half. And I got to spend time with my new special friend on Saturday night and all day Sunday.

Don't you love the time period when people are all trying to impress each other. Buying shots, telling people how cute they are. You know how it goes. I love it.


Friday, October 06, 2006

Oh Zach...

Ever had one of those dreams that seem so real when you wake up you're like, "what the fuck"? Last night, I had one of those. It seems my Tylenol PM didn't mix with me to well last night and I woke up at 5AM sweaty and unclothed. And, I was looking everywhere for Zach...and his twin. Yeah.

In my dream, Zach and I were at Bayside High School and so was the rest of the gang. You know, Screech, Lisa, Jessie, didn't see Slater though. Zach asked if we could go back to my place to study and well, let's just say that dirty ol' Zach had other plans for me. What a total freak! This was seriously one of the dirtiest dreams I've ever had. He even took time out of our "session" to talk directly to the camera. And when we were done, his twin brother showed up. What the?


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Just a little bit...

Sometimes all you need is a little bit. A little bit of money, a little bit of TV, a little bit of love...the list goes on. I was reminded today of how a little goes a long way. it's not always the big things. A little jesture, a little smile. A little help from your friends.
