Have you noticed lately the overusage of things. You know--catch phrases, fuel, food, etc.
I'm in a weird mood today. Depressed for no reason. I hate when i get in those funks where I didn't really do anything to get in it. Now, all I can do is listen to depressing songs over and over. It's like a downward spiral of unintentional depression. It's so bad, I'm enjoying cleaning. Oh, who am I kidding. I love cleaning. Thanks Mom for making me OCD to the eleventyth degree. So now, I'm overusing cleaning a The Cure.
Next, after my show I thought, I really have to stay on my diet and exercise program. I haven't. Seriously, I've had junk everyday since the end of my show. AND--I've lost weight. During the show, my pants were lose. They are falling off of me now. I have like two pairs of pants that fit me. In addition, it's an overuse of fast food and telling people who skinny I am.
Lastly, I'm overusing my brain. I think too much. I'm not kidding-I do think bitches. I'll just sit and think about things for hours at a time and I can't focus on anything else.
Okay kiddies, it's time for some hot tea and cleaning baseboards. I might even iron my underwear for old times sake.